spectre du soleil

Dimanche, 22 Octobre 2017 11:41 Administrateur

Le spectre du soleil

Spectre solaire entre 380 et 870 nm avec identification des raies et des facteurs de Landé: PDF (4.3 Mo/MB).

Pour le vusisaliser :

Le spectre à grande échelle :

spectre du soleil












UV: from 670 Å to 1609 Å (SOHO/Sumer), resolution 0.04 Å
Visible: from 3000 Å to 10000 Å (Jungfraujoch), resolution 0.002 Å or 500 pixels/Å
Infra Red: from 10000 Å to 54000 Å (Kitt Peak), resolution 0.004 cm-1 (varies from 0.004 Å at 10000 Å to 0.1 Å at 50000 Å)

Note for visible and infrared:
The normalization of the solar spectrum is as follows: The continuum is estimated locally (in wavelength) and the intensities are normalized so that the continuum is 100 % (value 10000 on the plot). Continuity is preserved between different parts of the spectrum (it means that there is no discontinuity in the continuum). So, in fact, intensity are in 'local' arbitrary units.


UV: W. Curdt et al. (2001). Thank you to W. Curdt for his help.
Download the introduction of the paper version of the atlas (PDF format)
Visible: Delbouille L., Neven L., Roland G. (1972).
Download the introduction of the paper version of the atlas (PDF format)
Infrared: Delbouille L., Roland G., Brault, Testerman (1981).
Download the introduction of the paper version of the atlas (PDF format)

Solar spectrum between 380 and 870 nm with identification of rays and Lande factors: PDF (4.3 Mo/MB).

Wavelength datas from NIST logo and VAMDC logo databases.

L'évolution :




Mise à jour le Lundi, 23 Octobre 2017 21:04